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A new oral form of testosterone called Dianabol was synthesized by Ciba Pharmaceuticals with the help of Dr. John Caudell, a Stanford University biochemistry professor whose research in the 1960s paved the way for the discovery of sex steroids. This testosterone was a synthetic version of endogenous testosterone that was synthesized by taking testosterone from animals. The drug's chemical structure is similar to that of endogenous testosterone, but it is a modified form that has been altered to bind to and bind to a large number of receptors on the surface of the brain, buy anabolic steroids in canada. Dianabol has three primary types of receptor sites: G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), nuclear receptors, and steroid receptors.
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Dianabol's primary function is to facilitate the activation of a variety of hormones involved in male reproduction. The primary effect of testosterone is to increase the size of testes, improve androgen levels, and increase the size of the prostate, buy anabolic steroids in canada. Testosterone also increases cellular growth, increases testicular volume and testosterone levels, and increases the size and quality of the sperm, dianabol buy europe.
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